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How do I make the ticker image display in an email? It just looks like text when I paste it in.

In some email software, like Outlook Express, Outlook and Mozilla based programs like Mozilla, Thunderbird and Netscape you can add text and graphics to the bottom of each email by creating an HTML file and then installing it as your signature.

For AOL, MSN Hotmail and Yahoo you paste your your ticker image or code into the Signature box in Mail options.

You can also use the tickers with Incredimail and Mac Mail.

Image signatures such as those on Daisypath are not an option for all email applications. If you access your email through your ISP's website (often called webmail) you most probably won't be able to have an HTML signature. There is a list here of webmails that I have been told don't allow HTML signatures, but to be sure; check with your webmail support. One way you can get around this is to add your signature as an attachment, or to use an alternative email program. General notes on using tickers with webmail.

Also, many people prefer plain text email (no text formatting, no images) because it is more secure so some people you email will not be able to see the ticker in your signature.